Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Dinner

Each year, my family does something different for Christmas dinner since we aren't fans or turkey. On top of that, I am vegetarian. My mother informed me that the family was having roast beef for the dinner, so I would have to come up with something to make for myself. I didn't have to think very hard to find something that I knew I would enjoy. I decided upon a ratatouille. Nothing very hard, or fancy, but tasty and full of luscious flavor. I had made this one other time, but made it in the form of a stew, rather than slow cook it in an oven. I used Fanny's recipe for this scrumptious ratatouille. This is a very simple recipe, and hard to screw up. One of the attributes I love about it! Simply make the tomato sauce base, then lay the sliced vegetables over the sauce (however fancily you like) then slow cook it in an oven for 2 hours or so. Please follow the link through Fanny's name for her great recipe!

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